Fungi Narratives: Exploring the Potential of Fungi in Sustainable Design

An Innovative Approach to Material and Design

Fungi Narratives is a groundbreaking material and design project that pushes the boundaries of sustainable design by exploring the unique properties of fungi. Led by designer Antonia Fedder, the project aims to create materials with a positive impact on the future of design.

Fungi Narratives is the result of extensive research and experimentation with fungi as an organic material. Inspired by a walk in nature, Fedder and her team discovered the potential of extracting Fomes Fomentarius from nature without harming the ecosystem. They also explored the possibilities of growing fungi artificially, opening up new avenues for sustainable product and fashion design.

The project involved over 100 experiments, combining fungi with bioplastics to create a range of innovative designs. One of the key findings was the development of amadou "leather" accessories, including a face mask, embroidery, and upcycled fashion pieces. The team also created various paper-like materials based on fungi, offering a sustainable alternative to traditional paper.

What sets Fungi Narratives apart is its focus on the duality between the man-made and the natural. By combining fungi with bioplastics, Fedder and her team have created materials that harness the unique properties of fungi while offering the flexibility and control of man-made materials. This innovative approach has the potential to revolutionize the fields of sustainable product and fashion design.

The realization of Fungi Narratives involved a combination of traditional and modern techniques. The team used Fomes Fomentarius and Fomitopsis Betulina fungi, along with a compostable bioplastic made from plant-based glycerin, agar agar, and water. For paper making, they used fungi and water exclusively. The upcycled fashion pieces were created using techniques such as embroidery, knitting, beading, and filament creation. The project also included editorial design, film and photography, and post-production work using Adobe programs.

The designs and products of Fungi Narratives come in various shapes and sizes. The amadou face mask, for example, measures 20cm in length and 11cm in width, with wool straps. The paper collection offers 25 different qualities, all made from Fomes Fomentarius and Fomitopsis Betulina fungi, with sizes ranging from 13cm length 11cm width to 23cm length 18cm width.

Fungi Narratives has garnered attention for its unique approach to sustainable design. The project was exhibited at the Dutch Design Week 2020 in Eindhoven as part of the "Materialized" exhibition. It has also been recognized with the prestigious Iron A' Design Award in the Sustainable Products, Projects, and Green Design category in 2021.

Through Fungi Narratives, Antonia Fedder and her team have demonstrated the immense potential of fungi as a sustainable material in design. By harnessing the properties of fungi and combining them with bioplastics, they have created a range of innovative designs that offer a glimpse into the future of sustainable design. With its focus on organic materials and its positive impact on the environment, Fungi Narratives is a true testament to the power of design to shape a better world.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Antonia Fedder
Image Credits: Image #1: Photographer Antonia Fedder, Stylists Sofia Fiorentino and Marianne Hansen, 2020. Image #2: Photographer Antonia Fedder, 2020. Image #3: Photographer Antonia Fedder, Styling Sofia Fiorentino and Marianne Hansen, 2020. Image #4: Photographer Antonia Fedder,2020 Image #5: Photographer Antonia Fedder, 2020.
Project Team Members: Antonia Fedder Sofia Fiorentino Marianne Hansen
Project Name: Fungi Narratives
Project Client: Antonia Fedder

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